- How did the language and selection of images in the coverage create a particular representation of young people?
The language and the selection of images that were used created a negative representation of young people. This was due to the type of images shown as they appeared to look violent and chaotic. They have used low angle shots to show that they are taking over and in control of the riots that occurred during the time it happened.
Why does David Buckingham mention Owen Jones and his work Chavs: the demonisation of the working class?
He had been mentioned because Owen Jones stated that there is a new modern Britain and that the working class has slowly become an object of fear and ridicule.
What is the typical representation of young people – and teenage boys in particular? What did the 2005 IPSOS/MORI survey find?
The survey showed that 40% that included young people or even that have mentioned them spoke of the negatives like the violent things they do, they focused less on the stuff that they have achieved or done any good. It also shows that 71% of the articles showed them negatively in the media.
How can Stanley Cohen’s work on Moral Panic be linked to the coverage of the riots?
The theory of moral panic can be linked to the coverage of the riots as the riots had put fear in everyone that had read or seen the things that the young people have done also, what they have supposedly done. This may have also stuck with many of the people today believing the same things about every young person in society.
What elements of the media and popular culture were blamed for the riots?
The elements that were blamed were rap music, violent video gams, and reality TV.
How was social media blamed for the riots? What was interesting about the discussion of social media when compared to the Arab Spring in 2011?
Social media was blamed for the kind of power it had given the young people, the rioters. It helped them set up pages and socialise with others who were planning to riot out on the streets, this made it easier for individuals to form big groups to go out and riot, making them stronger. In comparison to the arab springs, it had given them power to put their voices out inline for others to be heard, and with social media they were able to challenge their government.
The riots generated a huge amount of comment and opinion - both in mainstream and social media. How can the two-step flow theory be linked to the coverage of the riots?
The two step flow theory can be linked to people being twitter famous, this allowed individuals to voice their opinions becoming opinion leaders then with the help of this helped others to voice their own.
Alternatively, how might media scholars like Henry Jenkins view the 'tsunami' of blogs, forums and social media comments? Do you agree that this shows the democratisation of the media?
This does show democratisation as people online are now able to speak their mind and do so without being afraid. People can now express their opinions and share it with other online internet users freely due to the new developments in technology and the media.
What were the right-wing responses to the causes of the riots?
The right wing was negative about the young people as they described them as voilent beasts and dogs that needed to be controlled and put on leashes.
What were the left-wing responses to the causes of the riots?
The left wing blamed it on society and inequality meaning that they were not the ones fully responsible for what happened and that everyone had a part to play in it.
What are your OWN views on the main causes of the riots?
I believe that the riots were caused by them being misrepresented in the media which got them even more annoyed and angry at society for judging them in a certain way and acted up on it, they begun to be that stereotype everyone thought they were.
How can capitalism be blamed for the riots? What media theory (from our new/digital media unit) can this be linked to?
Since we are currently living in a materialistic society in this country we are value ourselves by what possessions we have, the younger people saw this as a time to get what they cant have and so what lead to the riots taking place where people begun to steal things they were not able to afford.
Were people involved in the riots given a voice in the media to explain their participation?
The people that were involved in the riots were not given a voice in the media for them to explain as society does not want to know what they have to say due to the stereotypes and society thinking they already know these people and their reasons. This meaning not giving them power to explain and back themselves up.
What is your own opinion on the riots? Do you have sympathy with those involved or do you believe strong prison sentences are the right approach to prevent such events happening in future?
I believe that everyone was in the wrong and that society must stop stereotyping and considering one side of stories they have been reading and listening to. They must be open to other things. The rioters were in the wrong and do deserve a punishment due to them breaking stores that could have been family run, they were innocent and didnt deserve this. So by enforcing strong prison sentences it would allow for less people to try their luck to get away with crimes they thing they can evade.