Saturday, 17 January 2015


Question 7.

WWW: Good answer with good focus on the question

EBI: More reference with audience theories ( uses and gratifications, hypodermic model, physcographics)

A Marxist would argue the fact that most of the audiences on the internet are mostly passive consumers. This would mean that they would they'll be viewing content in which they will accept at once. They will not challenge what they have been told and would argue  back at the big institutions. The big news institutions that are the leading companies for news would post out stories, which may or may not be true. This would relate to the hypodermic needle as Marxists would believe that they will accept anything and are under the power of the big leaders, believing that in a pluralist society no one is equal but run by the big institutions. Audiences would believe anything that would be said or told to them by the big institutions that run the news. Audiences may also just take information on board instantly by them maybe seeking surveillance looking out for the latest news. This again would go against what Marxists believe as they think that they are under control and are not autonomous therefore not being able to think for themselves.

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