Monday, 29 September 2014

Instagram appears blocked in China

In china Instagram has been blocked from the public. The application that was made for sharing pictures was found to be blocked by the Chinese people who use the applications, search phrases like "occupy central" and "Hong Kong students" have been blocked as the social media websites allows them to post up and share the protests that are currently taking place in China which are lead by students. the students are now using other methods of communication which allow them to have group chats so that they are able to communicate. 

  • Protest lead by students
  • Instagram is now blocked in china
  • China have censored some search phrases

I personally think that china should censor some of the social networking sites like Instagram as it may result in some unnecessary events taking place. for example, fights may break out the more people that arrive to protesting events. Therefore for societies safety i believe that some apps should be blocked off to the public. 

Peter Nunn jailed for Twitter abuse of MP Stella Creasy

Peter Nunn is a PA who has been jailed for using the social networking site Twitter for the wrong reasons. He has been threatening Stella Creasy over messages on Twitter, Stela thought to take action and has had Peter jailed for threatening to rape her. Peter Nunn had also sent similar messages to another woman who in fact is a feminist. Peter had described the messages as a "joke" and said that he found it very funny at the time of writing.

  • Jailed for 18 weeks 
  • Peter 33 years of age 
  • Peters from Bristol

Although we are not able to see the messages that were sent to these women we are still able to see what kind of impacts it's had on these woman's lives. for example, one of the women has announced that after these comments had been made she had installed a panic button in her own home.  I believe that he should have been sent down for longer as by terrorising women and making them scared in their own homes is not a "joke".

Thursday, 25 September 2014


Facebook drones the size of jumbo jets soar 17 miles up

Facebook are planning to create load of drones that they will shoot up to space. these drones have only one purpose which is to provide the other 4 billion non active internet users wifi so that they are able to surf the internet. Today only 2.7 billion people use the internet, just over a third of the worlds population. However, still the rest remain without internet. The planes will be tested at some point next year, somewhere in the US, and the company hopes to have them working and in operation over developing countries within three to five years. It has already chosen 21 locations around the world where it would like to deploy them, in Latin America, Asia and Africa, and is looking for charities to run the equipment once it is manufactured.

Lara Bingle deletes boyfriends pictures on instagram

Lara Bingle mysteriously deletes every single picture that she has posted on her Isntagram account. Why she has deleted the pictures no one knows. she has only left pictures of herself on he profile ones that were professionally taken and edited. This would allow for the audiences to comment and tweet things about what they've heard which are rumours. this shows how audiences are able to spread rumours that may be false or correct. Tis would back up a few theorists that would apply to this current situation. The 38 year-old big screen star had embraced the social media service since starting his romance with Lara, the pair using the picture-sharing stream to fling images back and forth to each other, including Sam's very first post - an image of the model.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Exam Prep

Exam Question: Developments in new/digital media mean that audiences can now have access to a greater variety of views and values. To what extent are audiences empowered by these developments?


P1-The internet has been called - the most important medium of the twentieth century” - Briggs and Burk. This essay will talk about New and digital media and how it has had a massive impact on today’s society. This is due to people becoming online users and relying on information that is gained and given out on the online database which is the internet. These development allow people to have more freedom roaming around surfing the net exploring and influencing views and values online.

P2-Apple got hacked and pictures were leaked from icloud, this shows that privacy is a problem over the internet. This is why apple have recently released IOS8 to make people feel safer about their personal information on their devices.

P3-Obama, “Were it not for the Internet, Barack Obama would not be president.” Ariana Huffington. “The tools changed between 2004 and 2008. Barack Obama won every single caucus state that matters, and he did it because of those tools, because he was able to move thousands of people to organize.” Obama had used the internet to get his message across for example he had used YouTube as he had posted up a video of his speech “a more perfect union” this had been watched 7.2 million times, one to many communication.  

P4-China have blocked instagram to reduce the amount of people that come to the protests over in china that want to vet the . Shows that the government is trying to censor some major applications that are used by the people so that they are not able to use them, this showing that the online users are disempowered as they are not able to do anything about this.

P5-Facebook – Facebook have announced that they will be making drones to shoot up into space s that they are able to provide internet access for the other 4 billion non active users on the internet. Fb do this so that they make more money, however, his does lead to people being more empowered as they are exposed to freedom on the internet. i.e more USG, freedom of speech, free to comment on start campaigns..  This allows a potential 4 billion other users to use the internet and do as they wish and roam the internet. This does empower the potential users to a certain extent.

P6-Wikipedia - Audiences are also losing power as they are being dumbed down, given false information by the million monkeys online typing away – Andrew keens.  The false information is then believed by the online users which is “killing our culture” due to the information that online users are educated by.  - A 2005 study by Sonia Livingstone and Magdalena Bober found that the majority of students trusted online information as much as they trusted information in printed books.


Thursday, 18 September 2014

Facebook looking into why people ignore ads.
Facebook is trying to make advertising on its website better by looking into why people clock and bury certain ads.  The social media giant never stops searching for ways to make advertising better and focused, and why users don’t like certain ads is one area that it is exploring currently.  For most advertisers, Facebook is the first and final word for advertising on the social media and the company intends to keep it that way by letting them reach more customers. Users will also benefit from this exercise as they will be able to give their feedback on the kind of advertisements they see.

I think people ignore ads on Facebook as they just simply not interested in any ad that Facebook advertises. For example me as a Facebook user hate the advertisements and think they shouldn’t be shown. However this won’t happen as this is how Facebook make their money through social media advertisements. 

Facebook is at the vanguard of squeezing increased value from paid social media marketing – and other networks are following
Marketers have been complaining for some time that organic reach no longer exists on social media and that brands have to pay for adverts if they want to engage with their target audience. These rumblings have been growing louder over the past 12 months, particularly in regards to Facebook, which some marketers claim is now little more than a glorified advertising network. However, it could be that Twitter will also become a so-called ‘pay-to-play’ network for marketers, as it recently hinted at plans to implement a news feed-style algorithm.
Facebook is trying to take as much money from business that would like to advertise on Facebook as Facebook is one of the most visited websites in the world right now. This would get a chance for the business to get mas coverage of their audience online which they could target. However, if Facebook carry on charging more and more they would soon see that people would be backing off a they’d find other alternatives for them to advertise their business or company. 

Instagrams new app.
Instagram's new app 'Hyperlapse' is revolutionising how its users make videos
Instagram's first app, Hyperlapse, is a free app that's busy stealing the hearts of iPhone users. It allows its users to make videos on their smartphones and then show off films that look as though someone has held down the fast-forward button – except, because it's Instagram, it's a lot more stylish.
 I don't think any time soon many people would be using this app quite a lot as no one is really interested in watching what people do and watching in fast forward. 

Friday, 12 September 2014


Apple release date on the 9th sept:
IPhone 6 is going to be introducing the new iPhone 6 that will be released on the 19th of September on stores. However, on the websites where the news has been revealed many people and iphone users have been commenting on the website complaining on how the old iphones were bad. They have been threatening iphone that if they do not fix the main problems they would not buy the new phone that would be released soon. They commented how they were going to be possibly moving to Samsung. A few other people had been complaining and comparing prices to other smart phones that have similar features but relatively cheaper.
I personally think that iphone should not be releasing new phones if they have not been tending to the common problems that they have on their products. I as an iphone user have had many iPhones in the past and have had the same problems.
Snapchat is an app that anyone could download on to their mobile devices. Its whre people send pictures and recording of themselves to other people or put it on their story. Facebook recently had tried to buy the app from the owner however they declined the offer. Facebook tried buying the app for $3b dollars. However, now the application is now worth a staggering $10billion dollars. This is because people have made large investments towards the application from all over the world rich Russians and many others. Snap chat has now over 100 million users that use the app on a daily basis. Recording what they do snapping other and informing them of where they are and what they are doing at that moment in time.
Google block an article online:
A user has gone onto the internet on the Google search engine and had searched up a news article from a few years back. The article was on a young artist who was studying and had been trying to get a degree. Someone had complained about the article so then meaning Google looked it up and decided to block the Evidently, Roach is now a professional artist and, in the belief that he is now a much better painter than he was in 2009, he thinks the painting shown in the picture accompanying the article might damage his artistic reputation. Due to this removal it would mean that people would take an interest in this as they wonder why it has been removed. This would mean that more people would be visiting the article that had been posted as they’ve unblocked it from the internet. Personally I think that Google should not have removed the article from the internet just because it got a complaint from a user.

Description: A Google search removal request displayed on the screen of a smart phone