Friday, 12 September 2014


Apple release date on the 9th sept:
IPhone 6 is going to be introducing the new iPhone 6 that will be released on the 19th of September on stores. However, on the websites where the news has been revealed many people and iphone users have been commenting on the website complaining on how the old iphones were bad. They have been threatening iphone that if they do not fix the main problems they would not buy the new phone that would be released soon. They commented how they were going to be possibly moving to Samsung. A few other people had been complaining and comparing prices to other smart phones that have similar features but relatively cheaper.
I personally think that iphone should not be releasing new phones if they have not been tending to the common problems that they have on their products. I as an iphone user have had many iPhones in the past and have had the same problems.
Snapchat is an app that anyone could download on to their mobile devices. Its whre people send pictures and recording of themselves to other people or put it on their story. Facebook recently had tried to buy the app from the owner however they declined the offer. Facebook tried buying the app for $3b dollars. However, now the application is now worth a staggering $10billion dollars. This is because people have made large investments towards the application from all over the world rich Russians and many others. Snap chat has now over 100 million users that use the app on a daily basis. Recording what they do snapping other and informing them of where they are and what they are doing at that moment in time.
Google block an article online:
A user has gone onto the internet on the Google search engine and had searched up a news article from a few years back. The article was on a young artist who was studying and had been trying to get a degree. Someone had complained about the article so then meaning Google looked it up and decided to block the Evidently, Roach is now a professional artist and, in the belief that he is now a much better painter than he was in 2009, he thinks the painting shown in the picture accompanying the article might damage his artistic reputation. Due to this removal it would mean that people would take an interest in this as they wonder why it has been removed. This would mean that more people would be visiting the article that had been posted as they’ve unblocked it from the internet. Personally I think that Google should not have removed the article from the internet just because it got a complaint from a user.

Description: A Google search removal request displayed on the screen of a smart phone

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